Wednesday, May 19, 2010

School's Almost Out! Whatever Shall We Do?!

So, Joey's on the roof, Julie's in a reasonably good mood, and Atticus is just plain busy. It must be spring! School lets out for the summer in less than two weeks, and I'm not ready! Plus, the weather's kind of messing with my head, because I'm used to St. Louis spring (none at all), as opposed to this weird cool weather/too much rain combo we've been having.

As usual, there are a million things on my to-do list. They've all been pushed aside for the magic that is spring. This is always a busy time for us because of the spring show (the last big hurrah of the dance season), as well as field trips, spring cleaning, playing outside, and finishing up all of those last minute assignments that everyone "forgot" to do. This week we went to a choir recital, the zoo, and the boy scout crossover, and it's only Wednesday morning! A good time was had by all (with the possible exception of Julie...), though we were very hungry the whole time, because no one was sure when a good time to have dinner was. (Also, we were reading, reading, reading the whole time, as Atticus needs 35 more books to complete his reading logs before the end of school...)

My brother let me borrow a camera for a few days, and then I was forced to go out and buy my own, as using a camera that doesn't belong to you is about as fun as walking a hyper Saint Bernard through a china shop. I was terrified the entire time that I would accidentally drop it, erase all of the pictures, let Joey touch it, or look at it funny. Taking pictures is so much fun, I don't know why it took me so long to realize it. I love it so much that in two days, my entire family already hates me and wishes that I would go away.

The other thing that is interesting (for me) this week, is that I am wrong and everyone else in the entire world was right about one little thing. I love all kinds of bands that I didn't know about! It's a fascinating world out there, and for some reason, I've been resisting this for years! (Almost 30 of them...) Thanks to a random post on Facebook by one of my sister's friends, I've suddenly discovered that new music is not the devil, and that there are bands out there that are worth listening to. I won't tell you which ones, though, because as far as admitting I'm wrong goes, I can only go so far...

Anyway, that's all I've got on my mind right now, but I've been feeling terribly creative lately (and kind of oddly upbeat), so I'll let you get back to your regularly scheduled life right about now, but I'll probably be back sooner or later to let you know more about the random happenings in our lives. (And to post pictures, because, WOW! this is fun!)

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